วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Reason for " Why Martial Arts not successful"

Is Time for Check your Martial Arts Schools And Use Martial Arts Billing

we cover some of the most common reasons below why martial arts instructors fail in business.
Because the passion for the art has pushed them into it The majority of martial arts instructors running their schools as businesses have done but, so to speak. This is great, but it also puts people into running their own business who ordinarily wouldn't run another type of business.

Successful martial arts instructors finds the money for the seminar, those DVDs, those resources because they recognise the importance this new information and motivation has on themselves and the future development and growth of their business. So Tay will get them 100 new students. With Martial Arts Billing Company resource And you only find new idea for membership pays for itself. They don't think about their business often enough and only put enough time in to get by. The unsuccessful martial arts teachers talk a lot about what they are going to do but never takes action on those ideas. They are not committed to succeeding and lack the personal attributes required to run a successful school and profitable martial arts business. they are not successful because of reasons outside of themselves and don't take responsibility for their situation, So doing something about it.

They are not prepared to listen to good advice and give reasons why it won't work for them. They get good advice from someone who has been their and done it and ignore it!. The easiest thing in the world is to copy someone successful, to achieve similar results.

Some martial arts teachers are trapped in tradition and fear change, because that's what they have always done but never question why am I doing it, They can’t keep students or manage their finances. The school never grows because their school is not systemized and structured enough to make it easy for students to continue training at their school. And they have no budget in place and overspend money, and don’t to manage what comes in and what goes out each month. That is Not enough focus is put into student progress and making the lessons for upbeat and exciting more.

